Best Tips for buying quality real leather iPhone cases. August 28 2016, 0 Comments


Real Quality tan leather iPhone case 6 case


Leather tips. If it's real quality leather and its handcrafted it can't be cheap. Cattle are expensive to rear and nurture like our quality premium USA supplied top grain napa leather. The tanning process takes time and if the dyeing cycle is certified ecologically and environmentally friendly, as NueVue's sleeve iPhone and iPad cases are, this is both time consuming and expensive too. 

Look at the back of your hand or arm and you'll see where the hair follicles, the little round indents, are in the skin. Cattle have the same little hair follicles too, so look closely at the leather, to see if the leather has these and if they aren't evident then it's not leather as we know it! Don't be fooled by the grain this doesn't mean anything it can be easily imprinted.

Great real leather is amazing it will wear well, last for years if maintained correctly, which is why we give an industry busting 5 year warranty on our NueVue top grain leather iPhone sleeve design cases.

If you look on eBay or Amazon and the sales price looks too cheap then it's probably not quality real leather, it won't last, you won't want to talk about your leather product to your friends unlike our customers who do!

So if you just want an amazing leather case to look after your iPhone or like us you hate a dirty screen or dislike germs then we have just what you're looking for.

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