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3 Ways to make the world a cleaner place - Vegan Approved Smartphone and Tablet Sanitizing Cases. April 24 2019, 0 Comments

#GoVegan for the Planet,                           the Animals           and for your Health.....why wouldn't you..... We've got these all covered here at    For the Planet We chose to make our Vegan Approved iPhone and iPad cases from PU (polyurethane) and not PVC (polyvinyl-chloride) because PU is much less harmful to the environment, our cotton twill and...


Want the best iPad case? Read this review from Jeremy-the-Critic at ios etc April 11 2019, 0 Comments

Now we all know that the Apple iPad is a very special thing, so why not look after it with the best iPad case - keep your iPad clean and protected in a very special case, made to sanitize your iPad and remove the prints and smudges from the iPad screen, reducing eyestrain and headaches, and protecting you and your loved ones from harmful bacteria. Now Winter is Coming, there...


How to clean an iPhone screen without damaging it? December 07 2018, 0 Comments

We created our range of Nuevue Cases to do exactly this, and our unique microfiber lining keeps your screen germ-free all day long too! Find out below just why we think our cases could be prefect for you, and at the end of the article we cover the do's and don'ts of screen cleaning as per Apple!  Are you happy with a dirty screen on your iPhone, and worse smudges...


How to protect your skin from bacteria - keep your iPhone germ free. May 30 2018, 0 Comments

Want to know how to keep your skin blemish free? How often do you put your iPhone up against your face to take a call or to text and stuff, and do you then touch your face? How many times a day, 10 times a day or even more probably.   The truth is that our iPhones and smartphones get warm and become a breeding ground for bacteria, and not all bacteria...


Germ study points finger at women April 08 2018, 0 Comments

Women’s iPhones harbour more Harmful Bacteria than Men’s. A study by scientist at the University of Oregon reported after analysing the bacteria found on a number of Men’s v Women’s phones. NueVue’s iPad and iPhone cases have your all your devices covered against nasty little microbes and start destroying the structural wall of harmful bacteria, viruses, influenza and superbugs that are are carried from your hands to you iPhone...


Infographic Research Supports NueVue iPhone and iPad Cases for protection against Bacteria Germs Digital Eyestrain CVS January 02 2018, 0 Comments

Research shows that in every day life and in the office we're constantly bombarded with bacteria, much of it good, but other bacterial formations can be harmful and cause stomach upsets, diarrhea, sore throats, jawline spots and worse. As we use our mobile phones and table devices more and more it's easy for this harmful bacteria to get on our devices and then into our mouths, ears, eyes and noses....


19 Ways To Tell If You Are A Germaphobe - by Heather Newman BuzzFeed Community November 28 2017, 1 Comment

At NueVue we have all your germaphobe or OCD issues covered: Our beautiful, stylish handcrafted cases are made to fit your iPhone precisely, keeping your phone safe whilst it is in the case. Our high grade microfiber will keep your screen clean every time you slide your phone in and out of the case. The same microfiber interior is infused with BioCote technology, which is also used in leading hospitals...


If Superman had an iPhone 7 he’d use a NueVue Case February 13 2017, 0 Comments

We all love our Superheroes I guess it’s the kids in us. Superman was one of my favorites and a thought crossed my mind yesterday that he’d love one of our amazing cases so let’s jump in and I’ll explain why. For me the leap to linking Superman was quite easy, and hope you'll agree was a logical one when you finish reading in a minute.  There’s an important, if...


Best iPhone 7 Plus case by NueVue reviewed by @Geekdad February 13 2017, 0 Comments

Brad and his vegan wife review our NueVue iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 6 cases. Brad is a power user, Independent technology journalist and editor at We contacted Brad at @Geekdad and asked if he'd be happy to review our case, he mentioned his wife, a vegan, would also review our faux leather case.  We were very happy to send out these cases for the review.  Also this is...


What's lurking on your iPhone? November 02 2016, 0 Comments

We read some great articles on how our iPhone and iPads are a breeding ground for bacteria,  and would like to share a little of the info with you.  Caroline Kee at Buzzfeeds article will positively astound you read more ? Like Caroline says, not all germs are dangerous, but there are some pretty nasty ones that hang around on your iPhone, you get them from general travelling, using ATM's, handling menues, opening doors...