Why you need a NueVue iPhone or iPad Sleeve case! May 06 2016, 0 Comments
You take your smart phone everywhere. Subways, public restrooms, gym and restaurants — it’s a part of your life. So it makes sense that your phone has lots of opportunity to come in contact with germs and bacteria.
In fact, more and more research cites smartphones and tablets as being potential health risks. A study in the Wall Street Journal, for example, found abnormally high numbers of coliforms, a bacteria indicating fecal contamination on eight random cell phones found in a Chicago office, with about 2,700 to 4,200 units of the bacteria on each phone. (Safe drinking water should have less than one unit of the bacteria per half-cup.) The same bacteria can cause flu, strep, pinkeye or diarrhea. According to Peter Collignon, an expert on infectious diseases who is quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald, even handling iPads and iPhones can be risky, given that germs are more easily transmitted to hands from touchscreens than from other surfaces. “You wouldn’t have hundreds of people using the same glass or cup, but theoretically, if hundreds of people share the same keyboard or touchpad, then effectively that’s what you’re doing,” said Collignon. “Our hands can frequently have germs that can cause anything from the flu to multi-drug-resistant diseases.”
It’s research like this that inspired the creation of NueVue cases. Given studies like these, the advantages are clear for everyone to see.